Crown Mines Refugee Reception Centre in Johannesburg set to close

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[Question posed to Minister Zuma] Minister, what are you going to do about the Refugee Reception Centre in Crown Mines after the South Gauteng High Court decision saying it should close down?  What arrangements will be made to move the centre?
[Response from Minister Zuma] We have to accept the law.  Yes, I am aware of the court order.  If the law says it should close, what do you think I should do?  Obviously two months is not enough time to build a new office – it is not even enough time to find new premises.  We will probably move the staff to other offices until we can secure new premises because it is impossible to move into a new office in two months.  The Refugee Reception Centre will be closed as the court has mandated.  We did have an office there because we felt we needed it but the court has decided it should be closed and we must do so because we must abide by the law.  Computers and staff will be moved to existing offices, we hope this will resolve the situation in the short term, in the long term we need to find new premises.